Amish Outfitters BEEFY BAG Sea Anchor
The Amish Outfitters Buggy Bag Sea Anchors has been a BIG SUCCESS, but now they've added the new BEEFY Buggy Bag Sea Anchors to their collection. These bags are made with 2" webbing and a webbing around the mouth of the bag to help reinforce it. The preliminary tests show that these bags have handled the really big boats (up to 50') without failure. They took a 50' Post from 4.5 mph to 1.8 mph without trolling valves using four 48" BEEFY Buggy Bags. We are offering these Beefy Bags in all four sizes, with the emphasis on the 36" and 48" sizes. The cost is a little more per bag, but it is well worth it.
Size of Sea Anchor ** Length of Boat
22" Sea Anchor ** 14' - 24'boat
28" Sea Anchor ** 24' - 30' boat
36" Sea Anchor ** 28' - 32' boat
48" Sea Anchor ** Greater than 32' boat